Dunstable Town Yearly Gold Membership
Purchasing membership makes a huge difference to the day to day running of the club. Whilst becoming an owner of Dunstable Town Football Club, your contribution will open doors for new opportunities within the local community. We look forward to growing as a club and strengthening our connections with partners such as Mind BLMK and continue to be part of the CALM Collective while working in support of them. As well as this you will be able to take advantage of the following benefits:
1 share, 1 vote
The Blue Card (use for discounts at selected local businesses)
6 league matchday tickets to a game of your choice
Name in matchday programme (optional)
Name on website (optional)
Ability to vote on club matters
10% off matchday merchandise
Owners badge
Certificate of ownership
Discounted travel on official club coach to away games
Owners exclusive parties
DTFC owners card holder
Season ticket
Framed certificate of ownership
DTFC brandes pint glass
Hospitality access for one match
Walking Football Session included (Usually £4 per session)
Dunstable Town Yearly Gold Membership
As an owner of Dunstable Town Football Club, you agree to the Club’s objectives which are to benefit the community served by the Club and not for the profits of its members.
The Club’s objects are to benefit the community by
• Enhancing the social, cultural and economic value of the Club to its Communities and by acting as a responsible custodian of the club for future generations;
• Upholding the mutual ownership of the Club operating democratically, fairly and transparently;
• Ensuring the Club operates with financial responsibility enabling the Club to be run for the long term interest of the Community;
• providing sporting facilities and opportunities regardless of age, income, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexuality, religious or moral belief; and
• Playing at the highest level possible, but always operating in a financially responsible and prudent manner.
Every member will hold one ordinary share in the capital of the Club. No member may hold more than one ordinary share in the Club either individually or jointly
The Club will decide and issue a form of application for membership. Members are to pay an annual subscription as per the amount of the membership package purchased. The first payment is to be made at the time of application. The sum of £1 from the first payment shall be applied to the purchase of an ordinary share in the Club.
Each membership subscription will expire one year from the date of purchase. To maintain ownership, a new membership will need to be purchased.
Members of the Club aged under 16 may not:
be a member of the Board of Directors or other officer of the Club; nor
vote at a general meeting, either in person or by proxy; nor
vote in any election to the Board of Directors.
A member shall cease to be a member if they:
1. Fail after written demand to pay their annual subscription;
2. Are not the holder of a fully paid-up share;
3. Do not agree to the Clubs objects; or
4.Withdraw from membership by giving written notice to the Secretary
Each Member shall have one vote on any question to be decided in a general meeting.
A resolution put to the vote at a general meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a paper ballot is demanded in accordance with these Rules. Unless a paper ballot is demanded, a declaration by the Chair that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried or lost recorded in the minutes of the proceedings of the general meeting shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportions of the votes recorded in favour or against such resolution.
In the case of equality of votes whether on a show of hands or a poll, the Chair shall not have a second or casting vote and the resolution shall be deemed to have been lost.