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One Step Closer. A Look Into the Future (Part 2)

On Tuesday 27th April, twenty-five of the Club’s members voted unanimously at a Special General Meeting to re-structure the Club to operate as a Fans owned and manged Community Benefits Society (CBS).

There will now be a second vote of the Club’s members on May 11th to formally dissolve the Club. This will enable the Financial Conduct Authority to take all the necessary steps to make sure that as an asset locked CBS Club, we meet all FCA regulations and protocols.

If the Club’s members do vote to dissolve the Club, there will be no change in the Club’s functioning or operating and it will be business as usual on and off the pitch.

CBS gives fans the opportunity to become owners of the Club by buying a share. There is no financial liability attached to owning a share & being an owner of the Club. Each individual can only ever own a maximum of one share. Owners will have a greater say in how the Club is run.

Becoming an owner of the Club will bring with it some attractive benefits exclusive to owners.

One of the major changes that will take place is the Club will become far more than just a football club. We will be far more active in the life of our community.

Look out for further announcements following the Special General Meeting on the 11th May.



ESTD. 1883

Dunstable Town Football Club is a Community Benefit Society. It is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, Registration Number 8667 as Dunstable Town Football Club Ltd. 


© 2015 - 2024 Copyright of Dunstable Town Football Club

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